The Big Picnic (11/17-11/19)

In this week before Thanksgiving, we're celebrating our annual Big Picnic in conjunction with chapel. Families are invited to join in the fun as the children, all decked out in Bible- time clothes, sing songs, watch a short skit and chow down on fish sticks, bread, and gold fish crackers. Our show comes from a story recorded in the New Testament in which Jesus fed a hungry crowd of 5,000 men (plus up to another 5,000 to 6,000 women and children!) using a young boy's lunch of 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. The boy could have thought that what he had to give was too trivial to offer, that what was in his sack was insignificant. But then he would have been doubting God's capacity to bless his small offering. All God ever desires is a faithful heart and He will take care of the rest. After Jesus lifted the offering to give thanks to His Father for providing nourishment for the people, the 5 loaves and 2 fish were multiplied beyond anything anyone could have ever imagined. Amazingly, even the leftovers outnumbered what was started with.....and nothing was wasted in the end, either. The surplus was then gathered and used elsewhere. "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good." - Psalms 136:1. May you enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving surrounded by people you love! Melinda