Good News! (12/1-12/3)

December is here and with its arrival we learn a new Bible verse, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His son, Jesus." -John 3:16. This week in chapel as I told the nativity story I focused on God choosing Mary and Joseph specifically to raise His son. While individually, they had many good qualities that would make them wonderful parents, together they were loving and patient, faithful to His word, and devoted to each other. You can be sure that your Heavenly Father saw qualities in you that that make you the ideal parent for your child, too and there is no doubt you have been uniquely blessed with characteristics making you the perfect fit for your own family. Isn't it nice to know that nothing is too big for God to handle, yet nothing too small for Him to care about? After our chapel lesson, we all took turns bouncing around the room on Hoppity Hops and played a game matching baby animals with their mommies and daddies. To wrap things up, we sang and danced to Everybody Everywhere and My God. Enjoy the rest of your week as we get nearer to Christmas crunch time! Just do yourself a favor and remember to relax, breathe, and focus on making memories with your kids as you teach them about God's magnificent gift to the world. Melinda