God Made All That Is Good (9/15-9/17)

"I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalms 119:11. God tells us that it's important to commit scripture to memory so that we can live strong in His word and be cloaked in His protection wherever we go. This is one of the reasons why ELP has school-wide, monthly Bible memory verses for the children to learn. The one that we begin with each September is "I am wonderfully made" Psalms 139:14. Keeping with that theme, our first chapel lesson for the year is 'God Made Everything that is Good.' We will look at a flower, an apple, a fish, and ourselves and discover that God thought, He planned, and He made everything in a very special way. The world and everything in it that is good is God's loving creation. One of the children's favorite things about chapel is getting to know Scruffy, our chapel puppet dog. He helps focus our attention by introducing the lesson. Something extra special about Scruffy is that he has a little pocket in his chest where he keeps his heart and one thing always tucked inside is the monthly Bible verse. Every chapel after practicing the verse several times, the kids and I say it once more into our hands and then place the words in our own 'heart pockets' so that we can always carry God's word in our hearts too. This week after we finish our story, the younger classes play a fun parachute game. The older classes will hunt for hidden bible verses around the room to take home. Finally, we'll sing 'King of the Jungle' and 'Praise The Lord Every Day'. Next week we get to learn about how God uses us to help others. Blessings to you and your family! Melinda