God Speaks to Me Through My 5 Senses (9/22-9/24)

I am wonderfully made - Psalm 139:14. Indeed He did make each one of us in a unique and wonderful way! This week we celebrate the ways Our Creator gifted us to explore His world. God uses all of our senses to show us who He is and He speaks to us through each one. Combining chapel with Sensory Days, we explored Our Father's world through our eyes, ears, noses, and skin. How about that? God doesn't just speak to us through our ears, He talks to us through ALL our senses! In chapel we listened with our eyes to see what God was telling us about the creatures He made. Then we listened with our noses to smell what He was saying about the foods He provided. Finally, we listened with our skin to feel what God wanted us to discover about textures found in nature. Next week we'll learn about how we all are The Lord's helpers. May you hear God speak to you and may you feel His blessings everywhere you go throughout your week. Melinda